Your Gateway to a Healthy Life
Kosse Acupuncture Center offers a natural and holistic approach to medicine, that promotes healing and wellness through healthy alternatives to traditional medicine. Kosse Acupuncture Center strongly feels it is our responsibility as healthcare practitioners to encourage and to educate our patients to take care of their own health. Let the healing process begin with Kosse Acupuncture Center.



“My migraines are finally gone, and I can begin to live my life again. I can’t express how wonderful it was to be treated with Dr. Cui!
Karen Stone
“I’ve never felt better or more in tune with my body. I felt comfortable with Dr. Cui, and he was there with me through every step of the way. Thanks Dr. Cui, I’ll definitely be back. ”
Peggy Kellows
“Within minutes of my first session at Acupuncture Clinic At Kosse, I could stand up after twisting my back and came in wheelchair !. Appreciate you, Dr. Cui!”
Wayne Terrell
Dr Kemi is AMAZING! I've been going for almost 4 years and he's managed to get me off of ALL prescription meds. I used to take meds for sleep, anxiety, depression and blood pressure. Now... nothing! I feel AMAZING!
Deanna Robinson
Thank You Dr. Kemi for helping me see the moral of the story! The better understanding we have of life, the more we live in the truth. ... Cherish those that you love, you never know if you'll see them again. .... Made me think and frankly helped me with some personal issues that had me thinking!
Rabecca Garcia
109 Moss Rose Street
Kosse, Limestone County 76653
832-598-1432 by appointment only
Your Pathway to Good Health
Founded by Dr. Emma Lee in 2004, Kosse Acupuncture Center is a place for healing. It is a clinic dedicated to healing sickness and promoting healthy lifestyles. Our treatments don’t just focus on your symptoms - they concentrate on the root of the problem.
We begin each session with a comprehensive patient review, designed to understand your unique health patterns and behavior. Then we create individualized treatment methods tailor-made for you. We closely track the results, and modify treatments as necessary.
Dr. Cui graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), one of the top TCM universities in China. He was selectively enrolled the national unique Integrative Medicine program in mid 1990s’ and trained in both classical Western Medicine and TCM. Later Dr. Cui received his PhD degree in neurobiology and integrative medicine from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, one of the top medical universities in China. Additionally, Dr Cui completed his postdoctoral training in integrative medicine and systems biology in Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School (Boston) and The Methodist Hospital (Houston). He was a faculty member (Associate Research Professor) of Houston Methodist Hospital Research Institute. Dr. Cui is certified in both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine by NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) in USA.
Dr. Cui has a very unique academic and clinical background that integrates Western medicine, Chinese medicine, systems biology and molecular science. His caring personality, talented clinical skills, and intellectual character enriched by the wisdom of integrative medicine provide him a wide-angle vision and profound insights in his practice.
Dr. Cui's patents and publications (links):